3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Video Marketing

Anjana Bhaskar

By Anjana Bhaskar

3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Video Marketing

Getting started on video marketing for your product or service may seem like a daunting task. But in the hands of the right experts, it can easily be your best ally, accelerating your brand/product visibility and acceptance rates.

“Video is an effective form of communication that needs to be integrated into each and every aspect of your existing marketing efforts.”

- James Wedmore

Videos rule the digital marketing realm. They have the power to reel viewers in, build emotional ties, and drive the point home – all in a fraction of the time that text can.

A recent study by Hubspot revealed that a whopping 87% of businesses were using video as a marketing tool in 2019.

With the growth of smartphones and the internet economy, your business is missing out if you’re not investing in the exciting world of video marketing.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of digital video marketing:


Depending on their demographic cohort, 53% to 66% of viewers immediately engage with a brand after watching a video, says a Brightcove survey. Whether it’s for entertainment or education, audience preferences are changing too - and video is the clear winner.

Convince to convert:

Videos have a dramatic flair, which is why they are able to bond with customers instantly and influence subscription or buying patterns. They are also observed to improve email open and click-through rates.

Digital shares:

Let’s face it. Viral marketing is here to stay. Nothing works better than a well-made video that provokes thought and triggers discussion. Viral videos are a great way to get your prospects excited about something, while also promoting your business in the backdrop.

But it’s not as easy as it looks. There are so many videos out there, that it’s easy for yours to go unnoticed. That’s a disheartening prospect, after investing so much time, effort and expense. Most video marketing efforts fail due to the following key reasons:

  1. No marketing strategy:
    Both B2B or B2C videos require an overarching product marketing strategy and a digital marketing strategy. For your videos to align with your brand and vision, your video marketing needs to be a part of this strategy.
  2. Lack of solid content:
    Your video planning should begin with a storyboard and end with a great script. Ad hoc video production may result in more harm than help. The focus should be on grabbing your viewers’ attention from the word go and sticking to a core message. Keep them engaged through a great story! And don’t forget – SEO-optimization is a must.
  3. Lack of expert touch:
    A lot of companies try to produce their videos in-house to cut corners. But they usually end up with higher costs of rework, and zero ROI!

Getting started on video marketing for your product or service may seem like a daunting task. But in the hands of the right experts, it can easily be your best ally, accelerating your brand/product visibility and acceptance rates.

If you require expert consultation on video marketing, write to me at: getme@markiverse.com